Mexican cuisine is spirited,appetizing, and crisp . Also it’s spicy and stunning , if you’re searching for top most Mexican restaurants in Pune then visit these place here you’ll get best Mexican cuisine .
Below is the list of top Mexican restaurants in Pune:
# | Restaurants | Location | Map | Contact no | Google reviews | Zomato reviews | iReviewed ratings |
1 | Copa Cabana | Near,Aundh-Wakad Road, Jagtap Diary Rd, Pune 411027 | Click here | 08888888236 | 4.1/5(7,530) reviews | 4.3/5(3,960) reviews | 4.1/5 ratings |
2 | Texas Tower | 9th Floor, Stellar Spaces, Khardi South Main Road, Pune 411014 | Click here | 08087720044 | 4.2/5(5,317) reviews | 4.3/5(1,260) reviews | 4.2/5 ratings |
3 | La Sicilia Bistro And Patisserie | La Sicilia , next to Solarias Club, Mayur Colony, Pune 411038 | Click here | 09673996124 | 4.3/5(960) reviews | 4.4/5(915) reviews | 4.1/5 ratings |
4 | Taco Alfresco | Lane Number 5, next to Nandan Prospera , Laxman Nagar, Pune 411045 | Click here | 07262809595 | 4.3/5(408) reviews | 3.8/5(40) reviews | 3.2/5 ratings |
5 | Polka Dots | Ground Floor, Westend Mall, Aundh, Pune 411007 | Click here | 07447766365 | 4.2/5(1,738) reviews | 4.4/5(2,281) reviews | 4.3/5 ratings |
Copa Cabana
- Location: Near,Aundh-Wakad Road, Jagtap Diary Rd, Pune 411027
- Contact no. 08888888236
- Name of the Place: Copa Cabana
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible entrance, Wheelchair-accessible seating
- Offerings: Alcohol, Beer, Wine, Cocktails
- Atmosphere: Casual, Cosy
- Payment and policies: Debit cards, Credit cards
- Type of place: Restaurant and Bar
- Opening hour: 7-11:30PM
- Average cost for 2 Peoples: 1,600 for 2 people(approx.) without alcohol
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food:Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Copa Cabana Waiter Response: Kind and friendly
iReviewed recommendation: Good ambience ,best Mexican restaurant , food is awesome .

Texas Tower
- Location: 9th Floor, Stellar Spaces, Kharadi South Main Road, Pune 411014
- Contact no. 08087720044
- Name of the Place: Texas Tower
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine- in
- Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible entrance, Wheelchair-accessible seating
- Offerings: Alcohol, All you can eat, Healthy options, Late-night food, Vegetarian options
- Dining options: Desert
- Atmosphere: Casual, Cosy, Romantic
- Payment and policies: Mobile wallets
- Type of place: Tex-Mex Restaurant
- Opening hour: 12PM-12AM
- Average Cost For 2 People: 1,600 for 2 people (approx.) with alcohol
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food:Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Texas Tower Waiter Response: Friendly and humble
iReviewed recommendation: Nice ambience ,good food , with outdoor seating

La Sicilia Bistro and Patisserie
- Location: La Sicilica,next to Solaris Clib, Mayur Colony, Pune 411038
- Contact no. 09673996124
- Name of the Place: La Sicilia Bistro and Patisserie
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Health and safety: Mask is needed, Temperature check is mandatory
- Offerings: Coffee, Vegetarian options
- Dining options: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Desert
- Payment and policies: Smart cards, bank cards , Mobile wallets
- Type of Place: Restaurant
- Opening hour: 8AM-11:30PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 1,200 for 2 people(approx.)
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- La Sicilia Bistro and Patisserie Waiter Response: Humble and kind
iReviewed recommendation: Nice ambience, delicious food , superb service

Taco Alfresco
- Location: Lane Number 5, next to Nandan Prospera, Laxman Nagar, Pune 411045
- Contact no. 07262809595
- Name of the Place: Taco Alfresco
- Service options:Delivery, Dine-in, Takeaway
- Offerings: Coffee, Late-night food, Vegetarian options
- Dining options: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Desert
- Atmosphere: Casual, Cosy
- Payment and policies: Mobile wallets
- Type of Place: Mexican Restaurant
- Opening hour: 11AM-11PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 650 for 2 people(approx.)
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Taco Alfresco Waiter Response: Kind and gentle
iReviewed recommendation: Nice place for outing , good ambience, fantastic food

Polka Dots
- Location: Ground Floor , Westend Mall,Aundh, Pune 411007
- Contact no. 07447766365
- Name of the Place: Polka Dots
- Service options: Delivery, Takeaway, Dine-in
- Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible entrance, Wheelchair-accessible seating
- Offerings: Alcohol, Beer, Coffee, Cocktails, Wine, Spirits, Vegetarian options
- Dining options: Lunch , Dinner, Desert
- Atmosphere: Casual, Cosy
- Payment and policies: Debit cards, Mobile wallets
- Type of Place: Continental Restaurant
- Opening hour: 11AM-11PM
- Average Cost for 2 People: 1,400 for 2 peoples(approx.) with alcohol
iReviewed Remarks
- Quality of food: Very nice
- Taste of food: Very nice
- Presentation of food: Very nice
- Polka Dots Waiter Response: Friendly and kind
iReviewed recommendation: Super ambience, authentic Mexican food.

Frequently asked questions
Some frequently asked questions related to top Mexican restaurants.
What are some famous Mexican cuisine?
Some famous Mexican cuisine are tacos,burritos, sopes , etc.
Why are Mexican restaurants so famous?
Mexican restaurants are so famous because of its Mexican food , it’s healthy and fresh ingredients are used in Mexican foods.
What is the best Mexican dish we can order?
The best Mexican dish you can order is tacos,elote,pipian.
What is the finest calibre of these restaurants?
The finest calibre of these restaurants is , these restaurants offers you a best Mexican food .
Do you love Mexican cuisines? If you love Mexican food then don’t miss the chance to visit these stunning restaurants ,here you’ll get a finest variety of Mexican cuisine.